I see a reason why blaming Origin makes sense. My hint is (as last chance) to take a look also at latest drivers from especially Intel/Chipset (and IME) category. There are other threads about wake-up issues with G752VY: search for them in the forum. Must be a driver issue, and you have to find the culprit all alone since usually remote suggestions (last video driver, drivers from ASUS support site.

I have Origin always running in bg and sleep/hibernate at least 4 times a day without problems. I've also had some issues in the past with Origin but current version 10.7-0 has no issue when waking up from standby/hibernation (I'm one of the rare users who doesn't usually shut-down PCs but prefers sleep+hibernation). All of these problems vanish if I don't let Origin run (neither at startup nor later). also Origin! A black screen forever, an irresponsive mouse after waking up, etc. I've just discovered today that the reason why sometimes my computer couldn't properly wake up from sleep mode was. Ulteriori informazioni 4: 28b92d9a58b4c3292e6786a4023b66afīy the way, my problems with Origin have gone far beyond not letting me launch some games. Percorso dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SleepingDogs\HKSh ip.exe After you "Exit" SStudio (i.e.: SS2UILauncher.exe), the game will always load without crashes.Īnd here is the crash log pointing to a SStudio Launcher component (C:\Program Files\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc\SS2\UserInterface\SS2OSD. The game Sleeping Dogs (available from Steam) crashes on load randomly and often if Sonic Studio is running in background in Windows tray.